Less-than-obvious pregnancy symptoms??

Brittney • 🧔🏻👩🏻👼🏻👦🏻👶🏻

Anyone ever experienced diarrhea as a preg symp?? Had it some yesterday but it has gotten much worse today.

Nausea between my regular meal times started today which is highly unusual.

I’ve been experiencing moodiness, high appetite, pelvic pressure and cramping, heavy CM that is somewhat cloudy, cervix is soft (tho I know that’s not a reliable indicator)

AF is 13 days late but all hpts are negative for two weeks now but I’m wondering if I just ovulated later so I’m still technically testing too early? I’m going to give it a few more days and test again and if it’s still negative and no AF I’m going to see OB. Just wanted to see what y’all thought and may have experience with. Thank you in advance!

Edited to add: anyone ever got negative hpts after missed AF but was actually pregnant?