Scared to become a mom again

I'm currently 18 weeks, with my second and my husbands first. I have a 6 year old from a previous relationship, my husband has been in our lives since she was only a year old and who my daughter considers her dad. I'm not worried about him at all, I think he's going to be absolutely wonderful. But I'm scared to be a mom again for some reason. I was 19 when I had my daughter, in a completely different situation. I feel like being in this entirely different life, it's like I'm doing it all over for the first time. I just want to be a great mom. With my first she's always been my world but I had to work a lot and couldn't spend much time with her as a baby. I want to really be present as much as possible, I want to do better and I'm so worried I won't be good enough 😥 is it normal to feel this way?