Husband ignoring me

My husband and I have been together for 5 years and we will be married for 3 years the day I will be delivering my second child via c section next week, since the new year my husband has been completely ignoring me and my child. I have to fight him to get some form of attention. I know he's not cheating, he's not being suspicious or giving me any reason to not trust him, he's just always having his face in his phone or iPad watching youtube videos, or even playing his video game. I sleep alone and I wake up alone( well with my child). I always tell him to do something g with me like go for a walk, talk to me, sit down and have a coffee, things like this but he always says no. We don't fight unless there is a serious issue or about. Money the occasional time. He's the only one who worksand gets a salary as child care is too expensive where we live. He's 100% supportive of me being a sahm.but he doesn't realize I get no social interaction except with my young child. I've tried to talk to him about it but he cares more about his video games and YouTube videos of his video game. He tells me to sit down with him and watch with him but I have no interest as most of the videos he watches is not in my native langue so it's hard to understand. I tell him this. I'm so pregnant and he won't touch me even give me anything more than a little peck on the cheek. I asked him if he wasn't attracted to me any more and he said he was he just isn't comfortable having sex with me this pregnant( I can understand that) but why won't he hold my hand or kiss me with affection. He wakes up with my child if he comes out of bed in the night( maybe once or twice a week my son doesn't sleep through) which lets me sleep which I'm thankful for changes diapers if I'm busy but he barely plays with him unless I am playing with him/ or we go to the park or something. It's like we're in a relationship, but not one involving love more like a mutual friendship and I want my spouse and lover back. I tried to talk to him about it and he says he's tired, and wants to catch up on the news/ his videos. Today because I'm so sad I literally went on about my day not trying to talk to him. He woke up, went to the washroom, stayed there for 40 minutes and prepared for work. Asked for his breakfast, ate, put my sons shoes on, and asked me to start the car ( I drive him to work/ we share a vehicle and I have it incase I go into labour/ need th store) he said less than 30 words to me all morning. I didn't kiss him goodbye at work or tell him I loved him. Sat quietly in the car on the drive. Just left and he said you're not going to say good bye and I said no and went home. No messages from him, or anything yet. When I go to pick him up he'll drive home, and probably not say anything, kiss my son, and bring him inside. And then take off his work clothes and get on his iPad until dinner is ready. Probably will tell me how much he hates his job and how he wants to start a business but he never actually starts the business even though I've been fully supportive. He'll be letting my son play with his toys until dinner is ready then prepare him for dinner as I plate the food. During dinner he'll ask what I want to watch and I say I don't care so we just watch whatever in silence. Every night I ask him to go out, even to Walmart to walk around/ get out of the house and he says no he's to tried and continue to be on his device. My husband doesn't work at a physically demanding job, he is a sales rep. FYI. I'm so tired of being ignored I've spoken to him about it, I've asked if its something wrong with me, am I upsetting him/ is he uninterested. In me/ all of this and he says it's not me. It's like he's in a relationship with his technology, I'm just the bringer of children and food. I've tried getting dressed up and trying to spice things up, and he'll tell me k. Beautiful and kiss me but won't do anything with me. I'm so sad. And we cannot afford counselling