Am I messed up for this?


So my wife is a little and I always spoil her to whatever she wants usually. Well this last week she came up with an idea to go camping and she had some fairytale movie scene up in her head because the first day I said no itā€™s still to cold and she responded with nuh uh itā€™ll be 40* and weā€™ll have a fire and extra blankets to keep us warm when we snuggle. So I was like well ok then weā€™ll play it by earā€ because I was still highly skeptical about it all well day 2 comes around and she asks ā€œare you really really sure that we can goā€ and so I told her ā€œIā€™m not really sure but Iā€™ll play it by ear and Iā€™ll be keeping an eye on the weatherā€ and she told me that the highs will be in the 70ā€™s which where I live is very warm so I was like hmmm I could bring my poles with and fish too and she was like see isnā€™t it a good idea! And so I was like yes! Tomorrow we go! And she was so excited and so day 3 comes around and we work for the day get off work and have to go do errands by the time we were ready to leave it was already 9pm because I work till 6 and she works till 7 and as weā€™re leaving town she says her tummy feels weird and I asked her if she wanted to stay in town for 1 more week and she put on her brat face and said no I want to go camping! And so I was like ok but just so you know once we get to where weā€™re going and set up weā€™re staying there for the weekend and not coming back and she was like yes daddy! So we finally get to my favorite fishing spot but they had put out a no camping sign and I was like fml so I drive another 20 miles upstream to where the lake is and the lake has no camping signs and Iā€™m like wtf those are new! So by the time I drive all the way out there and around the lake my gas light had came on and all the gas stations were closed because it was 11:30 pm and so I found a random spot and set up camp but we werenā€™t able to make a fire because it was a no camping spot and I didnā€™t want to draw attention but no sooner than we get on the air mattress in the tent she realizes itā€™s cold asf and doesnā€™t want to be there anymore and Iā€™m like too bad weā€™re out here now the gas station is closed and we canā€™t make it home so weā€™re stuck here for the night and needless to say that we were both up all night and miserable because she had started vomiting for some reason and it was actually 36* which is a lot warmer than it was last month but still cold asf which I knew it was going to be miserable beforehand but went anyways just because she wanted to and now weā€™re home again and both still suffering. I find it impossible to denie my baby whatever she wants no matter what harm may come out of it and I feel torn about this because yes Iā€™m supposed to spoil her but Iā€™m also supposed to protect her šŸ¤”