Fucking stunned and disgusted

My boyfriend shoved his dick in my face whenever he gets hard it’s disgusting and doesn’t turn me on it’s like something a 15 year Horny fucking kid does. He’s 36 like wtffff is this shit.... he literally changed after we had a baby. So I rejected him and told him no im my period still it’s my last couple days... and he said ok so “open up!!” Not even kidding he fucking spat on me when i said no. This is abusive I had it I have a almost 5 month old. I’m exhausted! I hate living here with him I don’t feel “at home” I feel like it’s my only option right now because i don’t work and forget about my dad he has a girlfriend living with him and she is a total bitch. I don’t no anymore 😪 he is verbally and physically abusive. Even when he kisses my daughter she cry’s because he kisses he obnoxiously hard, and babies can sense!!

Oh and then he said “ don’t worry I’ll get it somewhere else, u should be happy I even give u attention “ he’s not nice to anyone!!