Feeling guilty

I have a 3 year old and a 6 month old. Today has been an absolute trying day. My 3 year old literally has pitched a fit or acted out all day long. We had to discipline over and over and over all day. Our 6 month old is teething and is fussing all the time and sleep just doesn’t happen at night anymore. Getting up a 4:30 every morning for work and not getting into bed until 11 every night and then up 3 or more times a night I’m getting burned out and overly exhausted. Today I had had enough. I said I regret ever having kids. I didn’t mean it, but I just reached my breaking point and I was just done and I couldn’t get a break to gather myself before I snapped. I feel so guilty for saying that and I feel like an awful mom. Had anyone else been like this even though they didn’t mean it? I promise I love my kids and being a mom, but I just need a break