Baby boy is here!

Bethany • Mommy to an adorable boy 3-18-18💙 Engaged to an amazing man💜

Due April 4th and having been told i would carry to or past my due date i wasnt worried. March 18th rolls around and my fiancé and i are at a friends house. He is destressing and having a great time. Me on the other hand knew i was having light contractions but wasnt thinking much of it having been in false labor twice! 11pm on march 17th i knew something was up because they werent letting up at all! I told him we should head home and he suggested taking a backroad. Bump after bump i felt them more. I was driving because he had a few. We were almost home. Got pulled over because his plate lights were out! Got home i hopped in the bath he fell asleep. I woke him up at 3am on march 18th and said grab the bags lets go i think this is real! At the hospital they said i was 1cm 50% effaced. About an hour later they checked again, 4cm 50%. They confirmed active labor and get me a room. Everything picked up quickly! About 4 hours later i was 7cm 80%. They asked if i wanted an epidural and by this point the pain was too much so i said frick yes do it NOW!! I signed the papers dad left the room to be with family while i got it and at 8cm my babies heart rate started to drop. They were telling me to get him in the room immediately they might have to do an emergency cesarean. With oxygen and awkward painful positions they were able to get his HR back to normal and about 30 minutes later i had to push, the pain was too much i told the nurse either you get the team in here or im pushing him out by myself i cant hold him in any longer! Mu cervix didnt want to thin out any more and they said if i push at 9cm ill rip my cervix. I thought im already in this much pain i dont care just get him out NOW! I pushed and they said we wont be able to stop her shes too stubborn get the doctor! After about 20 minutes of pushing at 11:21am on march 18th my baby boy was here!!!!!! 5 lbs 8.7oz 17.5 inches long! Baby Levi Harrison was here and our lives were complete!

Hes now a month old and happy as ever💙