So I started having contractions around 3 am Sunday morning (April 29) waited until about 6 then hea...

So I started having contractions around 3 am Sunday morning (April 29) waited until about 6 then headed to the Er. They checked me and I was only 2/3 dilated so I was informed to walk the halls for about two hours. Got checked again and I was 4cm for they admitted me in. CONTRACTIONS CONTRACTIONS CONTRACTIONS until the epidural kicked in so I’ll say about 2 hours then after 6 pushes my princess made her entrance. I’m literally so in love with her I can barely sleep even though I’m drifting off writing this lol. I just thank God for a smooth labor because I’m sure it could’ve been worse. Now I have a healthy beautiful baby girl. Just looking at her I think “ wow, I’d do ANYTHING for her!!! 
Now I understand even more the love God has for us. ❤️
I’ll post pictures later. We both need rest. 😊