Induction at 38 weeks!


Okay I finally get to write my birth story so I’m just going to jump right in!

I was set to be induced on April 27, 2018 at 38 weeks due to Gestational Diabetes. I went in at 7:00pm at night and they placed the cervadil because my cervix wasn’t thinned and I was only 1cm. They placed and left it in there for 12 hours taking it out at 7:00am on the 28th. They checked me and I had dilated to 3cm and my cervix was thinned! They started me on pitocin 30 min later and I worked through my contractions that were 2 minutes apart. At one point my nurse came in and said she told my OBGYN that I’m handling my contractions like a boss so they are going to up my pit to make everything speed up a bit! So she checked me at 10:00am and 12:00pm and I was 3cm with a little wiggle room. I was extremely disappointed but the doctor asked if she could break my water and told me if I want the epidural then get it then because after my water breaks the contractions will get severe and everything will go so fast. I got the epidural at 1:00pm then had my water broken at 1:45pm. By 6:00pm I kept getting anxiety because I couldn’t feel my legs at all and with my first baby I felt everything so I was panicked and my nurse kept flipping me so she had went to flip me this time (6:00pm) and said you are complete and it’s time to push! With three contractions and 13 min later he was out! 7lbs 8oz and 20 inches long💙 he’s in the nicu right now due to his sugar levels being too low😞 they are hoping he will be here no more than 3 days but he’s doing good ☺️