So I've tried not symptom spotting or overwhelming myself as this is only my first month ttc and I know it'll be a while however I've been super nauseous the last few days and super sick at 7-9 dpo and let it be as just the weather changing ( I'm in Aus and it's getting chilly out )

Anyway I tend to get nauseous easily anyway plus i know AF can cause some of what I've been feeling but I just got out the shower and my right nipple is like 2 shades darker than the left ? I don't know if I'm just going crazy or what but it's super noticeable and I have never EVER. Seen this happen

Should I test tomorrow? At 10-11dpo ? Should I wait

Is this a symptom was this a symptom for anyone that ended with a bfp or Bfn

Don't be scared to hurt my feelings and bring me back to reality I know sometimes ttc can really get to you