Hidden message in my Dreams???

So this weekend I had 2 very disturbing dreams. The first was Saturday night, I dreamt that this "thing" was after me and my family (parents, siblings, & bf). I couldn't tell what it was exactly, it was evil and I thought it was the devil, but like just beams of light and smoke and it never presented itself as "the devil", but only I could hear and see it. It kept saying I couldn't protect everyone, and it started attacking our house. Then as I am guarding the door, some of its light and smoke got into the house and touched me, and it told me I was carrying a child. Only I knew, and it threatened to take it away. It kept attacking, and I got so scared I woke up, so idk what else was going to happen.

Then my second dream was Sunday night, I dreamt that my bf got really sick, and when we went to get him looked at, they said he had a rare disease and had only months to live. Idk what the disease was, just that it was already so bad in his body, they couldn't save him. So we go home and start planning for his last months, he says he wants to have a baby, so that I always have a part of him. So we start trying and 3 months to by and I find out I'm pregnant, and when I tell him, he is so happy. He then starts to tell me that he held on just to hear those words, and that he'll always watch over both of us, and then he dies, and that's when I woke up.

I have never had dreams like that, they have scared me so bad. We have only been together a year, and we aren't even trying to have a baby right now. I don't know why I had these dreams. If anyone has any insight or has had a dream like that, PLEASE tell me what it could mean! Sorry for the long post :(