Scary and realistic dreams.


I face the wall when I sleep so my back is out in the open. Sometimes I dream that somebody breaks in and kills everyone in my house. I am unaware it’s a dream because it feels and sounds real and looks real. The guy will come up behind me and it’s like I can feel his presence even though I can’t see him since I’m facing the other way. I don’t ever move when this happens though. Then right before he touches me I’ll shoot straight up and sit there for a minute trying to catch my breath. Then I’ll lay back down and close my eyes. I’ll feel like someone is over me then a shiver go through my body and then I won’t be able to move for what feels like five or ten mins then it’ll go away and then repeat. Someone over me, shiver, inability to move, then nothing. It’ll happen several times until finally I open my eyes and not sleep until I feel safe. It scares me. I can feel everything that happens and I’m convinced I’m awake when it happens though it seems impossible. Anybody know what’s going on?