Is it too late to report it?

My ex boyfriend raped me four years ago in August. The statute of limitations for my state is five years after he incident or two years after I turn 18 which ever is first. I’m 19 now and my birthday is February so I need to report it by next February. I never got a rape kit done. There might be a picture somewhere of the huge mark he left on my neck. I found out today he is looking to teach high schoolers. This not only scares me because I will have to deal with him more (my college wants to start a club for our teaching major and he might teach near me.) but he is going to be working with children. The subject he will be teaching will allow him to take students on a lot of field trips and I’m just so worried. This isn’t just me anymore. This is another innocent child. I have been so scared to report him because I don’t have any physical proof he did it besides that possible picture and my story. I can’t in good conscience knowingly let him teach but his mom and his family have money so I know the possibility of me winning are slim to none. I need advice. Please. I move onto the same college campus as him in August and I also don’t know what this will do to my future. I’m so stuck.