I need support *trigger warning

Today at 11 I’m finally gonna tell everyone in my family I’m planning on pressing charges on my older cousin for hurting me a long time ago, I came out with it last year and everyone in my family including my mother keep passing it off as if I’m lying, even my grandma said “he was just curious if he did do it” They probably aren’t gonna support me and that’s what’s been stopping me before but after seeing all those women come out against bill Cosby and taking all that hate I can to, I’m so scared. I’m refuse to be silent as much as my family wants me to. I started to realize that’s exactly what they want and they’re not taking me serious and he knows that and keeps taunting me with it, he thinks I don’t have the heart to turn him in he’s gonna learn what he did was wrong regardless of how many family members tell me “it isn’t that serious” 😞 y’all just pray for me because I’m so nervous