Breaking up :(


My boyfriend of 3 years and 4 months broke up with me on Saturday, out of the blue. I never saw this coming. Things have been so great for us and I felt that we were both growing in our relationship. We were supposed to get lunch, and he drove to my house, when I opened the door for him to come inside, he motioned for me to step out. When I walked all the way out, I noticed all the gifts ie bought him through the years were on the floor. Christmas, birthday, anniversary gifts. Everything. Even things I’d left at his place.

His reason was that he’s not happy with himself and that he doesn’t feel that he’s in love 😥. I didn’t understand. I still don’t understand. I always felt that his love was real and genuine. I know he loves me. He also said he just doesn’t want to have to care or worry about anyone else. (I know, selfish)

He does come from a single family home and has dad abandonment issues, I know that’s no excuse but I think it might have a small part in what’s transpired.

Also, I am much more successful than him, have two degrees, and somewhat have my shit together. He’s always been supportive. And I’ve always supported him too. I only bring that up cus he mentioned that he’s not good enough and that I deserve someone better than him.

I caved in last night and called him. He basically said the same thing. He also said he does still love me, but that he feels like he rather be alone and not talk to anybody.

He told me to give him time to process everything. He is not 100% sure he made the right choice, but he’s leaning more toward it than not.

I’m just so confused. Heart broken. Sad. I love him so much. I can’t imagine life with anyone else. I love and accept him for who he is. I don’t understand why this is happening 😢