feeling self-conscious

hello ladies! So I started my period a few days ago, and I haven't gotten it in awhile (irregular periods) but we are trying to conceive our firstg child. So it's a pretty heavy flow for me. Since I got it, I have been sore everywhere, cramps, sore breasts, back ache, and feeling disgusting pretty much every second of the day. Ya know, normal period stuff. So yesterday I went to the store and got some cookie dough ice cream and I wanted to just go home and lay down and watch a movie. So I get home, grab a spoon and sit down on the couch to eat my damn ice cream (yes, out of the container) my fiance walks in and he goes "wow, do you really think you need to eat that ice cream? Look at how much you've already eaten today." At first I was angry and appalled that he would even think to say something like this to me. So I threw my spoon at him, put the ice cream back in the freezer and locked myself in the bathroom. Then I just got so sad. He was knocking on the bathroom door telling me he didn't mean it and he was sorry, but I was just balling my eyes out. I couldn't stop. I just felt so betrayed and hurt. He had never said anything to hurt me that much before so I wasn't even sure how to react. Eventually I came out of the bathroom and he was begging me to forgive him, he even got me the ice cream and told me to eat it, but I said I did not want it and pushed him away. It just hurt so much to hear him say that to me. Can someone tell me if I am over exaggerating or if I was right to be upset. I don't know if it was just because I'm on my period and moody lol. But I mean, even thinking back to it now, I still feel hurt by it. I just don't know.

Side note: for about the last month or so, I have felt extremely insecure. I feel like I've gained a ton of weight and I just don't feel as sexy in my bra and panties that I used to. I used to walk around in my underwear literally all the time, now I usually don't even let him see me in my underwear while I'm getting dressed. I used to try on my lingerie and call him in the bedroom to see, but now I just can't even bear the thought of him seeing me like that. Last week I actually bought some new lingerie and I brought it home all excited to show him, but when I put it on and called him in, he barely even looked at me for more than two seconds. He was more preoccupied with his phone than he was with his half-naked girl standing right in front of him. I don't know, I've just felt extremely insecure lately. So this little incident definitely did not help. I just want to feel confident around my man again and for him to think I'm sexy again. Does anyone have any tips for me? I could really use the help. Thanks ladies.