I just don’t know anymore

*This is a long one*

I have had issues with my periods ever since they started but I noticed that my pain wasn’t just on my period it was pretty much all the time.

I’ve been in and out of hospitals for years and the pain gets to the point that I can’t move or lift my head, I get so dizzy and I can’t focus. I’m currently waiting a gyno appointment which should tell me whether or not they are going to give me a laparoscopy to find out if I have Endo but explaining that to my boss isn’t easy she keeps saying “well you know We all experience pain, my periods were really bad but I didn’t need to take all this time off”....

I’m sure you all understand why this is irritating; it’s not JUST a painful period it excruciating and it’s not just on my period that I experience pain. I’ve tried time and again to explain exactly how it is but I don’t think she hears it but what else can I do?

I can either crawl into work sit there cry and not do any work or stay home try and recoup some strength then drag myself into work. I get the feeling that because I’m only 22 she assumes that it can’t really be that bad but I assure you it is I guess being younger mean that anytime off I have means I’m just pulling a sicky which is insulting...I’m not the kind of person that goes out every weekend, I don’t drink, I’ve been helping my mum take care of my younger brother since my dad left when I was 3, I’m not the irresponsible kid she thinks I am and even tho I have proved that time and again she still can’t seem to get past it.

I want all this to go away I don’t want to spend my life in bed or on the couch because the thought of moving is painful enough I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’m going to lose another job over this and I honestly have no idea what to do about it.