I need someone to talk tošŸ˜¢

Last month I had my period but my boyfriend thinks it wasnā€™t ā€œnormal.ā€ So I took a test yesterday morning and half of the test line showed up as you can see in the picture

You have to look close to see it but itā€™s there. I think itā€™s an evap line. This picture was taken with flash and zoomed in on the line. He thinks itā€™s a positive. My period is due in 3 days so Iā€™m just praying to god it comes. I havenā€™t had any pregnancy symptoms that I noticed. Iā€™m retesting in 2 days with a pink test but Iā€™m just so stressed. I spent most of my morning crying in my bed and I just needed to get my feelings out to someone, my boyfriend keeps telling me to not worry or stress over it but obviously thatā€™s impossible. What do you guys think the line is?