25 weeks

Amanda • Happily married for 13 years ❤️ Mommy to 8 beautiful kids

25 weeks today. Had my glucose Test this morning, passed! Had a look at my little guy and he’s doing great! Daddy came with today, the first time he’s been able to come to an apt, and he got to see baby Owen in real time on the ultrasound. So much better than pictures! I’ve been having Braxton Hicks for several weeks so my doc did a trans vaginal ultrasound also, to check my cervix. Since this is my seventh baby and I had my last only 16 months ago, she’s a little worried I might go too early. Well, cervix is closed tight and over 5 cm long. She explained that at 25 weeks, cervix at 4 cm is ‘safe’ so I guess I’m more than safe! Mama is getting big and completely uncomfortable! August, hurry up already!