How can I manage my anxiety while being pregnant?


I'm currently 19 weeks pregnant and for some reason just around 17 weeks I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety. None of which is baby related. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder when I was 13 and since I was 17 took hydroxyzine 3 times a day (150 mg) which can be considered a high dosage for that particular medication. Since I've found out I was pregnant my doctor recommended I stop taking them along with my antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Which I've been fine mood wise. But now I have anxiety over everything. The thing that causes me the most anxiety is my job. I work at a children's store and my managers are just so rude to me and yell at me in front of customers and just belittle me. I'm not sure what I can do to help my anxiety at this point because my coping skills that used to work aren't, I can't take my medication, and I'm already seeing my therapist once a week. I just don't know what to do.