Does quitting smoking to improve sperm analysis numbers work?

I'm 31 and my husband is 34 and we are trying to conceive our first child. My husband just got a sperm analysis done and his sperm count came back normal at 50 million but everything else was abnormal. The volume was only 1.5ml, motility was 48%, but type 3+ was only 3%, normal morphology was only 6%, ph was 8.5, and liquefaction didn't occur spontaneously. He only saw his primary care doctor who didn't really explain what any of the numbers mean. My husband is a pretty heavy smoker and I've made him quit to try to improve his numbers and our chances. I'm wondering if anyone else has had any success conceiving after their man quit smoking and if so how long did it take? I've had him on Fertilaid, 1,000mg Vitamin C, and 50mg zinc for 6 months already so I'd hate to see how much worse his results would have been without the supplements. Just really worried because if the quitting smoking doesn't work we can't afford <a href="">IVF</a>.