Worst test results—Need advice.


My husband went Monday to have his test results from his sperm analysis done. We were hoping things would be good since he has been taking Clomid to help with low testosterone. What I wasn’t expecting was to be told he has absolutely no sperm. None! The doctor said there is a possibility of a blockage and can run tests to check that. If so there is supposedly a way to have the sperm extracted. At least that’s what DH said, he wanted to go to his appointment alone. With that being said has anyone gone this route, or have any experience with getting donor sperm? I also have PCOS but my last appointment my OBGYN thinks I should have no problems getting pregnant I just need to track properly and take ovulation tests to know for sure if I ovulate. This had been a hard few days emotionally and just don’t know if I should just give up.