Why can’t I conceive as fast as before?

Ok guys, isn’t it funny how our entire youth as women all we do is avoid pregnancy like the plague?? Then once we’re adults and actually want to conceive, it’s literally the hardest thing you have to have down to a science??

I’m 25 healthy, and do have one daughter right now. Conceiving her was a true blessing considering I had an abortion at a VERY young age, when I was in a horrible relationship. I thought god would punish me and never allow me more children. But I did get my baby girl!!

She is now 19 months, and my husband and I have been trying for about 5 months now. I know most of you may say that isn’t long, but every time you take a test and it says negative...it feels that much longer, and you feel that much more of a failure. I do believe the soul I lost at a young age is still the soul that is waiting for me. I’ve been tracking my ovulation and doing everything right, yet still nothing. Why is this happening to me? Why can’t I conceive like I did with my daughter!!?