is it attempted rape or sexual assault...


ok so when I was 18 I had a bf who was also 18. our parents had a rule that we couldnt be home alone (his parents were religious) so he invited me over and when I got there I realized his mom wasn't home. I was alittle uncomfortable because he knew the rules. but we went to his room and he put on a movie and it was fine. well about 20 mins into the movie he tried to put his hands down my pants (I was a virgin and not ready for sex) I said no please don't and he said ok. all of a sudden he pushed a pillow over my face and tried taking my pants off. (I'm 4'8" tall and he is 6'9" tall) I was able to struggle free and hadn't seen him since til he started working at the same place I did a few years later. p.s. I'm 29 now and still not over it. I can't watch a movie or TV show that has rape in it and sometimes I wake up in cold sweats reliving it