My Dear Angel

My Dear Angel, You would be turning 6 in July if you had come on time. Mommy misses you so much. It is tearing me up that your little brother or sister will be without you and not get to grow up with an older sibling. I haven't ever been able to talk about you out loud to anyone except for your baby siblings daddy. I think you would love him baby. He would be the best step daddy to you my sweet child. I miss you and this pregnancy has been thus far depressing in ways for me as I think about all of those moments that I missed out on.... that we missed out on together. My angel I am so blessed to have your baby sibling and I am so happy.... but my heart is still broken missing you. Missing being able to love on you and hold you and wipe away your tears and laugh with you. Your step daddy and I will bake a cake for you this year too like mommy does for you every year my love. I can't express how much I miss you my child.... and I just want you to know that mommy isn't replacing you she is just getting you a little sibling that you can watch from heaven. I love you my sweet angel.