Relationship falling apart after the loss of our son


Keeping this short and simple. I'm 19 he's 20 he's going on his 3 rd year of college and I'm going on my second. I'm majoring in trauma surgery physician assistant. He's doing engerning rn he has an amazing job working there for 3 years making NASA equipment and military weapons. I got pregnant we moved in together.. we lost our son which will be 4 months ago on tomorrow. We got a dog thinking it would cheer us up... that was his idea. he's got anger issues. Today she made a mess and before I get into this I'm pregnant 3-4 weeks pregnant I don't know yet. He's not happy wants an abortion but he has calmed down and is happy not about the baby just being with me. Mitzi our dog made a mess today and I woke up not feeling well and asked him if he can clean it before he leaves. (She's a puppy) he was pissed I even asked. He said he can't wait till our lease is up so he can fucking move out and go back home. He said he will take away our dog and he doesn't care we she fucking goes. He's told me in the pass to fuck myself and since I have a mental illness he blames that for my actions and words. His mouth is nasty. We've been together 4 years and how do you walk away from that? But then he will be okay but he just doesn't know what he has I'm an amazing gf I'm more like a wife for how much I do for this guy. I fold his shirts and pants and when he does the laundry he just throws mine on the side of my bed and he will just do his.. it's just the thought that counts. Idk what I'm doing wrong. I deserve to be treated better I carried his son for 9 full months and we lost him and now I'm pregnant again with his baby and he doesn't care he's pissed at me that I'm pregnant which I don't understand it takes two to make a child. He said he never wanted to live with me but he forced himself since we were having a son. We were great both going to school but after the loss and class ended it's changed. I don't work so he's doing it all and I tell him everyday thank you. But what gf should be afraid to ask their bf if he can get you pads or milk for MY cereal. I never want anything from him because he thinks I take his money. Before I got pregnant again he has done this so it's not the new pregnancy he truly just doesn't care what he says. It's making me back off and to the point I can't take the words and the yelling anymore. The baby is my problem he says so if we move out the baby will fall in my arms which I want. He doesn't deserve me then he's amazing fucking mind games I can't handle anymore and when I tell him how I feel he laughs and says I'm not thinking right. When I cry he laughs and ask why I'm crying when he knows damn well what he did. I've been in a sexual and mental abusive relationship. I'm not going to be in another one. What am I doing wrong I'm not the best but I'm great for the things I do I don't work but I make up for that I do my best. Giving up isn't easy and hanging on burns my hands... I'm a bad person