Angry all the time


I'm 8 wks pregnant and everyone I've talked to is like "its ok to be sad and confused sometimes." And I'm over here never sad, never happy, never anything except angry and anxious. I have a resting angry phase, anxious angry phase, and full blown you better fucking run angry phase. I literally just broke my shower head and curtain rod while showering. My hubby wants nothing to do with me bc I'm so bitchy all the time. I keep telling him to just ignore me when I start to get really worked up but he always makes some stupid comment to set me off on him. Like why would you want me to direct my anger at you? I wasnt even angry at him in the first place but then he inserts himself in it. Is anyone else angry ALL the time? I am seriously never happy and honestly dont know how to be right now, I'm trying but I feel like a light switch. I am really hurting this relationship but I feel completely out of control.