Thoughts on the #RedforEd movement in AZ?

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not too entirely sure if this is controversial, so i apologize in advance if it isn't ☺️

what are your thoughts on teachers walking out & not attending school to try & get better pay/funding for classroom supplies, better infrastructure, etc.?

the "strike" started last thursday, april 26th, and has continued on this whole week. needless to say, a lot of public schools have been closed during that time due to lack of staff. i've read countless statements & comments from parents stating that teachers are being selfish & greedy for not going to work and still getting paid (which isn't entirely true, a lot of teachers used their paid vacation time & those who didn't, aren't getting paid for their time off), & that the parents should be re compensated for having to pay for child care during this week.

i personally agree with & support the #RedforEd movement. Arizona is notoriously known for having one of the worst teacher pay rates in the US. A walkout worked in West Virginia, but it hasn't worked here yet.