Infertility help...I'm emotional

Katie • Stay at home mommy as of 6/30/16!!!
Ok so it's been 11 months trying and I'm 33 and sad I am unsuccessful! My gyno who is a infertility dr. I've emailed her this and now she wants me to schedule that appt. 
Sent this.....
My husband and I have been actively trying to get pregnant as you know for the past year & we have not been successful. Just when I think I could possibly be pregnant I get my period 😞  
I know I have my next annual appt with you on July 9th. My husband and I are ready to start speeding this process up. Enough is enough. I don't know if I can handle another negative pregnancy test and devistation. Could we start planning infertility and speed this up?! 
I'm a mess over this...I never thought I'd be going down this route. I thought I'd be the one to get pregnant after a few tries if not the first. Makes me upset and gives me all these negative thoughts through my head. Will I ever get pregnant? Am I too old? Is it something I did wrong of my husband did? The worst of it all..friends and family around all getting pregnant and I'm not. Not to mention I can't handle another person telling me keep trying next month is another month. Do you know what that does to me? It hurts. I'll admit each month I get my period weather it's heavy of light I cry. I can't help it I try so hard to stay positive. At least my husband has stayed by my side and loves me and tells me well get through this together. He wants to be a dad as much as I I want to be a mom at 33. 
I haven't called yet to schedule that infertility appt. I'm scared. I keep pushing it off. I don't want to do it! It costs a lot. I want to get pregnant natural on my own with no help. And what if we try something and spend all this money and it doesn't work?! Ugh why why me?? 😔