Weight and TTC

Dana.elizabeth • Married to my best friend. Step mama. Full time cosmetologist. Expecting my first 😍😍

I’m pretty chubby, and I’m worried that my weight will get in the way of having kids. I eat really well most of the time, and I work in a salon where I’m constantly walking and working standing. But I’ve always been heavy. Even when I was younger and swam competitively.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, or could even give me a little peace of mind that my weight isn’t going to stop me from having kids of I’m healthy. My husband and i have been TTC for 6 almost 7 months now and I’m starting to get worried I guess.

I feel super insecure sometimes too, because I have a step daughter and my husband and his ex weren’t even trying to have a baby and she was on the pill when they got pregnant. And he and I have quite a lot of sex and still don’t seem to have any luck. I’m starting to get worried there’s something wrong with me. And I don’t want to freak myself out but It just makes me anxious because I’m so ready for a baby.