I look terrible constantly

I used to have beautifully bleached, but ugly cut hair. now I have green/yellow bleached hair with a cut that no hairstyle works for.

I have rat like front teeth and my skin has beenThe worst it's ever been in my life

my arms are freakishly long and very thin.

my torso is short but wide, wide hips, wide waiste..

I also have very skinny legs.

my extremedies look like they belong to someone suffering from anorexia.

I don't know what to wear now. last summer I wore long sleeve rompers but I don't fit into them now, I saw some photos on me wearing them from eariler this week and there is no way I can wear them ever again they look horrible.

I have to wear long sleeves to cover up my arms, they make me extremely uncomfortable.

do I just need to wear a paper bag over my head and long sleeve dresses? idk how to hide my body during summer, it's too hot to wear clothes