Women’s Intuition


I would like some advice because I don’t know how to react. My ex boyfriend and I never had a clean breakup and were seeing each other a lot. We also talk about our relationship and I wanted him to promise that he wouldn’t see anyone else if he was remotely interested in me and wanted to mess around. I don’t think it was an unreasonable request because I didn’t want to be around if he was sleeping with other people. He promised that if he was seeing someone else that he would talk to me and cut off ties. He leads me to believe that he is still interested in being my boyfriend and gives me hope for a future but it’s not the perfect timing for him. Lately, I have been getting a gut feeling that he’s been seeing other people. He hides his phone and gets weird if I’m even near it and I have never looked through his phone before because I respected his stuff so I thought that was super shady. Also, I had a conversation with him about how I didn’t want to be exposed to STDs and that was another reason why I made him promise but he told me that I should get tested for my own comfort and dodged the question if he was sleeping with someone. He got very mad when I tried to get a straight answer out of him. Next, he hasn’t been interested in sex at all recently which is different so it leads me to believe that he’s getting his fix somewhere else. I don’t know how to react because we are not dating but he did promise. I just feel stupid that he lead me on for this long and I truly believed we were getting back together. I have had someone in the past lie to me when we were in a similar situation and it hurt so bad. I feel very blinded because I care so much about my ex but I can’t shake this feeling.