HCG levels not dropping after misca


I’m so confused right now!!

I recently miscarried, I was 6 weeks.

I’ve had the usual bleeding and passed a lot of what I’m sure was the sac and other bits and pieces. I had a blood test a few days ago to confirm my levels were dropping (they were 6000 a couple weeks ago then dropped to 5100 after the miscarriage) and I found out today they actually went up from 5100 to 5400 so I’ve just had an emergency ultrasound an hour ago to make sure it’s not an ectopic pregnancy and the lady said there’s no sign of it and also my sack has completely gone. I won’t hear from my doctor for atleast another day as they are shut and I’m freaking out as to what’s causing this.

Has anyone been in this situation before? 😩

Also I have no pain or anything to even consider a ectopic pregnancy.