Low weight gain

Autumn • Both my husband & I serve in the US Army. 💍🇺🇸✈️ Expecting Baby #1 May 2018.🤰🏽💙

Anyone else had a problem not gaining the recommended 25-35 pounds? I’m currently 37 weeks & have only gained 12. (122 lb- 134 lb) My fundal height is perfectly 37 cm & my baby is right on track. So, they agreed NOT to do a growth scan. But, my midwife still gave me a lecture on eating today... I track my calories to at least get almost 2,000 (Pre-pregnancy I would only eat about 1,200-1,400) cause I know I’ll eat less if I don’t track them, but I still got that lecture today & it worried me some. 🙁 I eat when I’m hungry & that’s that. Am I wrong or should I have a cause for concern because I’m not eating the recommended 2,500?