Itchy vag- not a yeast infection or a UTI? HELP!!!

My vag has been itchy for the past three days and it’s not a UTI and I’m 90% sure it’s not a yeast infection bc there is no discharge and the Monistat I used didn’t touch it. I’m not pregnant. I don’t have an STD.

What’s happening? It’s unbearable. I actually cried out of frustration this morning. The only symptom I have is itchiness. I can’t go to the doctor right now- not for the next two days (Edit: This means I CANNOT GO to any doctor or clinic for the next two days believe me I would if I could.) and I just need to know what to do. I’ve used Vagisil and Monistat. I’ve slept naked and aired everything out and I don’t use soap to wash it. I used water. I feel like there’s a million mosquito bites down there!!! Help me!!!