How can I talk to her about this?


My best friend has an extremely narcissistic and verbally abusive and manipulative mother. Her parents also are severely neglecting their animals. They live on a farm and they have 30+ dogs, lots of horses and a few pigs that are all in horrible conditions. I cant stay silent about it anymore and I'm gonna tell her tonight that i have to report it. I want to talk to her about moving in with me so she can get away from her toxic mother and start to heal from all the psychological damage she has from growing up with her. She has said she was gonna leave multiple times but her mother always manipulates her into staying. She 20 now and I just want to try and talk her into leaving one more time before I have to report her parents. So if theres anyone who has experience with narcissistic parents, how can i best get through to my friend about leaving? her house is a ticking time bomb and I just want to help her.