2nd Baby, Crappy Sleep, and Weird Dreams

Faith • Mom of 9 y/o Adam & newborn Kencade 💙👦💙👶💙

I'm 5 wks & 6 days pregnant with my second baby and my hips and thighs have been hurting for the past 24 hrs, and they hurt bad. Idk if it's the baby or the fact that my husband and I got frisky 2 nights ago. The reason that I'm not sure is because we didn't do ANYTHING crazy and definitely nothing that should be causing so much pain. Is anyone else in pain?

Also... I'm not sleeping very well at night all the the time. Some nights are good. But others I'm either tossing and turning all night or I fall asleep long enough to have a couple of dreams and then I'm awake again. I can sleep just fine during the day because that's when I really feel tired.

Speaking of dreams, I had two weird ones last night:

1) I had another boy who looked more like my first son than his father (husband is not bio dad of my eldest [😭 *fingers crossed for my girl]) but the weirdest part of it all is that I was with all of my friends (the ones that don't have children in real life yet) and they all had babies around the same age as mine. Like we skipped the entire pregnancy process and everyone's kid was about 6 months old.

2) I was riding around with a friend (they were driving) and we got into a fender bender. The driver of the other car got into an argument with my friend but then chased me through at least 10-15 frontyards and backyards carrying an assault rifle and sometimes shooting in my direction. I was scared shitless.

Pain and weird dreams... bad combo.