Not very excited for SIL’s pregnancy?

I know this sounds soooo bad and I feel guilty for feeling this way but I’m not very happy that my sil (sister in law) is pregnant.

I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and she will be the first grand daughter to my parents. My sil had the first grandson, he is now 6 years old.

Just yesterday she told me she was 6 weeks pregnant. It wasn’t planned but she and her husband want to keep the baby, and that’s great! But I just feel like the family will compare our babies to each other. Growing up, we were all compared with each other so it did a number on my self esteem, and knowing that her baby will be the same age as mine worries me a bit.

I wouldn’t mind if she got pregnant later on but now I feel like the attention has been taken off me and is all on her. I know I shouldn’t be saying this but for my first pregnancy I really wanted everyone to be as happy and excited as I am, and it feels like it’s all going to be directed towards her now. Like my baby and I will be left behind.

I am excited that our babies will be cousins and will grow up together but I can’t help but feel like people will compare them. I’d feel a little better if their baby turns out to be a boy again, but they really want a girl.

Because my baby girl is the first girl born in a while, I wanted her to have the ‘spotlight’ for a bit. But obviously if there’s another girl it won’t be that way.

Please tell me if I’m being reasonable or not? 😢