Essay for finals rant

I've got a essay next week for my final. I was given the topic "literary narrative." That's cool, my book goes on and on about it so I know what its about and what to do...except the explanation of literacy narrative from the book and what the instruction sheet my professor gave me are kinda different.

I was going to talk about a situation that inspired me to like reading when I was a kid. This was an option provided by the book...that we were recommend to look at as a guide line...along with our instructions (which doesn't match what the book says). But apparently I can't do that...because we need to have a literary narrative based on an ITEM...

So I was going to change my inspiration to a book or something and use that as my item...but I can't because apparently we have to ANNOTATE an ARTICLE....

I don't get it if I'm supposed to be doing this on a book....which the instructions ask for...

I had already written a 3 page essay once I realized this.

I tried to message my professor but he said he won't give us any input and that the best people to talk to is our peers.

I have no idea what I'm going to do. I need to take a break.

These were my instructions ⬇️

"For your essay, write your literary narrative. Refer to the chapter and the notes on how to create your narrative. use at least one source to back up your narrative. This could be a person (interview), a book, a sing, a movie or any item that has impacted your literary. Be sure to cite within the essay

Print out source articles and annotate any sources used in the essay based on the requirements for how to annotate a text"

This is just a rant but if you want to throw any tips out...I would appreciate it.