The last straw....


So my boyfriend (going on 9 years together this year) has been cheating on me in and off for 2 years now....actually probably 4 years...I’m stupid, I’ve stayed, and forgived, and keep doing it over and over.

Now he’s claimed to have been “good” and hasn’t cheated in months (I know that sounds crappy but it’s my situation) well last night he said he was meeting his friend for a drink, trying to be nice just said “ok have fun, see you in a little bit” yeah.....he never came home. And he stopped messaging me back over text around 8pm last night. Did not answer the phone, text back, or whatever until 11:30am today! Then he says he got a ride with his friend and spent the night at his place...(yeah sure) but also that he was in no rush to come home because I’d just fight with him all day (again whatever, fuck him🙄). Now it’s been HOURS since he last texted me... it’s now 5:30pm and I’ve yet to hear from him.

I’m just so done with this! I don’t want him to come home at all, but I know he will eventually. And I want to tell him it’s over. But I’m so terrified of how that works....I’ve literally been with him almost 9 years, we have a 2 year old daughter together, and my last relationship I had I was 14 and didn’t start dating again for 3 years after that break up, I was still young and in high school. I didn’t have to worry about a child being involved or who moves out or anything like that.

Part of the reason I’ve stayed so damn long is just pure fear. And my family is so damn nosy I don’t want to tell them ANYTHING. I just want it to fade away, no questions about what happened, no snide comments or remarks from the few people who did know he was cheating. Just silence.

Advice?! Please help!!!

Btw I’m 25 years old in case that’s something people are going to wonder 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok another question, we have some savings right now in a conjoined account. Which is one thing we fight about all the time when I threaten to leave him. He claims it’s all his money but in reality it’s ours. How do I go about that without him taking all of it or even most of it.


So he texted me and said he’ll be home in 5 minutes..I told him to please collect all of his things and move out. His response “do you want to go to the park today? It’s really nice out”

Wtf?! Now he won’t leave!