Simple Wedding

I don’t know which category this would be placed in, so if it gets put into the wrong group I’m sorry. Maybe it’s supposed to go to the Ranting Room because it’s kind of a rant.

So I’m 19, almost twenty, and for the first time in my life I’ve seriously considered marriage. I know I want to get married, but I wasn’t your average teenager who regularly dreamed about their wedding. From a young age, I knew I didn’t want to wear a big poofy princess looking dress, or high heels because I’ll catch my death in them.

I’ve decided, since weddings are getting more extravagant and expensive nowadays, I will not be having a traditional wedding.

My future husband and I will go to the courthouse, get married, and take photos after in the nicest clothing we own. Then, we’ll have a big celebration for our families.

It saves time, money and hassle. I’d rather be able to own a small home then spend it on an extremely expensive event that’s only supposed to happen once(for me, anyway)

The reason I’m ranting about this is because I have seven sisters, one of which just got married. I’m extremely happy for them, they are a wonderful couple!

But, my mother and other sisters have been teasing me about planning my wedding.

When I told them, however, that I wanted to get married at the courthouse and that I’d have a celebration after, they looked at me very disappointed and told me that I would change my mind, and that I would be the type of girl who would want a nice wedding. Even when my other sister got married at the courthouse three years earlier(she was married once before, however.)

We have gotten into many heated discussions about the topic, and it just upsets me that they won’t acknowledge what I want, even when I have told them reasons why.

The more they want to plan my wedding the more I put my foot down. I also told them no engagement parties, no bridal parties, and definitely no bachelorette parties. I don’t need them. I don’t want them. Stop trying to convince me otherwise.

Did any of you ladies get married at the courthouse? Did you meet opposition with your family members? How did you resolve it?

Did you love it or regret it?

Sorry to make this post so long, my brain and fingers run away with me sometimes!