Should I feel guilty for wanting my pregnancy to be over early?


I'm 36w4d with twins and I'm honestly DONE. My girl is just about engaged in my pelvis so sitting, standing,walking and laying down are uncomfortable. And my boy is still up in my ribcage so breathing isn't easy. I can't sleep at night, I drool and snore. I can't reach the kitchen faucet over my belly to wash dishes. It's difficult to pick things up off the floor, nearly impossible to put pants on. I never stopped having nausea and vomiting. The last few days I literally wake up and say to myself "UGH, I'm still pregnant?" And dealing with my teething and clingy 11 month old son isn't easy with a belly measuring the equivalent of nearly 50 weeks pregnant. Hubby is helping (maybe could help more with housework) but I hate to harp on him when I feel so useless. We both just want these babies out! I know if they stay in another week or two it's best for them but I can't take it anymore! I feel guilty and selfish for it😕