This is why I do this

Bethany • 24, married, cosmetologist. Mommy to Vanessa Naomi Briana, 6/9/18!

I’m a hairstylist and I had an absolute maniac of a client yesterday, and I was feeling pretty low and questioning if I’m cut out for this. Then I got to do a woman’s first cut after her hair grew back after chemo. She loved it and I was honored to do it. Then I have this kiddo come in wanting pink hair today. I had to stay an hour late to finish it, but we had so much fun and she was so excited that it was more than worth it. It’s funny how I had two wonderful people come in at just the right time to remind me that I do this to make people feel good about themselves. And don’t worry, I got mom’s permission to post this. The little girl said she can’t wait to post it on all of her “social medias”.😂