Date day bummed me out

Today my boyfriend and I decided to have a date and see a movie. During the movie I noticed two little boys (around 7 and 10) that kept running in and out of the theatre. I just assumed they had to use the restroom, around half way through the movie they were still wandering around and then out the emergency exit in the front corner if the theatre. The alarm went off and the older of the two came running back in slamming the door on the fingers of the younger boy. This sent the younger brother straight to screaming and crying. I was in semi shock at this moment, I (like every one in the theatre) were just turning our heads looking for parents. I mean surely these boys hadn't been completely alone in the movie. A couple next to us rushed over opened the door and picked up the little boy comforting him and asking where their parents were. The older boy told them they were in the bathroom. They took both boys out of the theatre. I followed them out, just because at this point I was ashamed I hadn't helped sooner and the couple seemed nice enough but in this day and age you never know and for peace of mind I had to make sure everyone was ok. You could tell these boys were sweet they were just young and bored in a theatre. As I walked out I saw the couple that had helped walking back in empty handed I asked if they had found the parents, they gave that look, the look you get when someone is being a POS and you just can't straight up say it. I walked out and there was the boys dad, just sitting on a bench eating nachos I guess using the theatre as a makeshift daycare. As I walked closer I hear him telling his children "man y'all are so stupid, I can't take you anywhere" and he continued but I just couldn't listen to it. I wish I could just say my mind and have no consequences. I wish I could have just looked him in the face and told him he didn't deserve children if he's going to put them in a inappropriate situation and then belittle them because something happened. What if some creep had been behind the theatre when the boy was locked outside, what if the couple who picked him up and carried him out of the theatre hadn't been as nice as they seemed, what if God forbid someone started shooting in the theatre and those boys were left trapped defenseless? Why don't people give a shit any more? What happened to morph society into thinking it's ok to treat children like nothing? Do you know in the past year I know of three different incidents where I live where people left their children in running cars, in the worst parts of town, only to come out and someone has stolen their car. One of those cases the child was shot and killed. Today to be honest just totally bummed me out. I don't understand how I can love my child so much and some people wouldn't even lift a finger to just keep an eye on their kids.