VBAC Or C section 😐🤷🏻‍♀️

So I’m almost 23 weeks pregnant and I still haven’t decided which route I’m gonna take. Granted I know I have time left, it’s just I’m so on the fence. This is Baby #2. I had a Boy 12.28.15 via c section from him being breech. I was devastated about having a c section but it honestly wasn’t so bad. Fast forward to now I thought yay! Now’s my chAnce but there are a few things stopping me from that. I know I’m lucky to be able to possibly VBAC, but what’s stopping me. 1.) My family owns 2 about to be 3 restaurants. My husband, brother, SIL, parents all work in one of them. And the hospital is 45 minutes to an hour away. I guess I’m nervous it being far and them working and me being alone. Plus I thought if it’s scheduled it’d be easier to work around the schedule if we knew .2.) this is silly to a lot of people but my due date is 9/7. If I do a c section it’d be 8/31 right in time for the cut off date in school. My kids would be 2 years apart for school and I wouldn’t have to wait a whole year to put her in.

3.) I’m nervous. Is it harder? My last one was scheduled and it was pretty easy. But I feel like I should try. It’s really hard to choose. Anyways any mamas that VBAC or chose to do a 2nd c section’s input ?