What do you think of my diet/routine to cut fat and maintain/sculpt muscle

Lena • Dump your boyfriend 💅🏽 live your best life 💅🏽 Australia 💅🏽 pro choice

So my workout routine is

-20-30 mins cycling (ave heart rate of 155)

-Then I do about 20-30 mins of light to medium weights eg: leg curl and leg extension, shoulder press, upright rows, abs.

I have a heart rate monitor and it tells me I burn between 400-700 calories depending on how hard I go/how long. But I don’t know how accurate the monitor is. It goes off my height and weight and heart rate.

And usually twice a week I’ll do leg press and abductor/adductor machines and lying hamstring curls.

And starting tonight I’m doing a quick routine before bed

50 lying leg raises

50 crunches

1 min plank

50 weighted donkey kicks

1 min wall sit

20 bicep curls

As many over head tricep lifts as I can

My diet is

Intermittent fasting

Fast til 5.30pm

80g of grilled chicken

2 serves of steamed carrot, cauliflower, broccoli and corn mix

2 boiled eggs

1 serve of steamed vege mix

1 quest bar

2 probiotic pills

Usually comes to about 700 calories (if I don’t pick at other foods)

Some times I’ll pick at things throughout the day (a few almonds or ryevita crisp breads or coffee with dash of milk and no sugar)

Then I start fasting again at 12am. So I have a 8 hour eating period then a 16 hour fast period.

I’m 163cm tall and I weigh 47kg. I’m not over weight but I have excess belly fat, I want to get rid of it and slim my legs, face and arms.

What y’all think?