Spoiled nephew

Just got through babysitting my almost four year old nephew for my sister. She said she was going to be gone for like an hour and a half but was gone for three. Whatever I’m used to her taking advantage of me when I babysit and never expect her on time.

I’m 29 weeks pregnant and had breakfast before I left to babysit but brought a pop tart along Incase I got hungry which I did.

My nephew sees it and immediately starts whining and crying and saying “I like pop tarts I want some” and he had just had a bowl of cereal and chocolate milk so he wasn’t hungry just begging. I told him no it was mine and he had a little meltdown but I ignored it and guess what? He recovered and went back to playing. I ended up giving him a piece of poptart anyway. I regret it.

Fast forward to when my sister finally gets home and she has brought me a little container of two muffins from the restaurant she went to as a thanks for babysitting. I was exciting because hey I love muffins. Nephew sees them and immediately does his whining and crying and he asked could he have one and I said no these are for me, remember I shared my pop tart? And because his mom is there he loses his fucking mind and starts whining and begging and crying and goes asking her for the muffin and instead of saying “no those are for auntie not for you” she says “you’ll have to ask her and see if she will share” I told her I told him no because I had shared the pop tart and I thought it was a treat for me and he’s in the background going crazy and she said “could you just let him have a tiny bite?” And I said “you know what? He can have them” and left them on the chair and left.

She spoils the hell out of this kid, never tells him no and fine if that’s how she wants to raise her kid that’s on her. What really pisses me off is she has no regard for other people’s boundaries. Instead of respecting that I told him no and then trying to reinforce it to him or help him understand, she undermines my boundary by asking if I would just share a little bit.

It absolutely infuriates me because she was like this when I lived with her for a bit last year. He would come into my room and DEMAND to play my Xbox while I was already playing and when I would tell him no he would cry and she would get all mad at me and say “wow thanks see what I have to deal with?” Like fuck you. I’m over it and your POS kid.