pissed off

so husband and I work together it's mainly man that work there so myself and about 7 other women is all they have there. One is my husbands friends sister.. she is nice and all to me and him and he seems to be nice to her not it a super inappropriate way but he will go a little out of his way to say good morning. but today pissed me off cuz I watched him will she was passing by him he was talking to a coworker about paper work glanced that she was coming and they had ended their convo and he just stared at her until she looked at him and smiled. this pissed me off cuz ge does this WITH ME. its not staring like 20 seconds it's like 5 seconds but that's still a long time just to get a smile out of another girl. Hes super immature and I cant even bring up stuff like this cuz hell just call me stupid or stop talking to me we've been together 10 years and this kind of stuff comes up or had come up in the past. what do you advice. please no comments about if you were me you would leave or leave him.