Toxic Jealousy

The toxic jealousy that goes on between couples in my friendgroup is DISGUSTING and kinda worrying when you really get down to it. For reference, I'm 16 and my friends range from 14-18, mostly 16/17. I made a lame pun about stealing one of my female friends's boyfriend (which she KNOWS I would never do bc I have a d8m8, her boyfriend's not my type, and that's just a shitty thing to do anyway) and she stared at me like I had just kicked a puppy. There are 3 couples in my friendgroup (not counting me because my s/o goes to a different school, so they don't hang out with my friendgroup all the time) and being around 2 out of the 3 is almost UNBEARABLE. They basically act like every group hang is a date for them which the rest of us just happen to be attending?? They sit on each other's laps, cuddle, kiss all the time and one couple even necks and makes out even though the rest of us are RIGHT THERE. They're all hetero couples, although a couple of the people in them are bi and such obvious constant PDA almost feels like straight privilege to me? I know that's really general, but if it was 2 girls making out like that, you know they'd be getting hate. Anyway, back to the toxic jealousy! I once witnessed one of the girls from one couple ask one of the boys from another couple for a bite of his dessert, which he said yes to, and then the girl added, "Oh, only if *his girlfriend's name* is ok with it, of course!!" and I was like, "??? Why would she have to be ok with it?" And she said, "well, the spoons been in his mouth sooo". It's bordering on creepy how possessive they all are tbh. Then again, I brought it up with the worst offender and he played the victim and made me feel bad for asking about it. So maybe I'm in the wrong?