S.O. doesn't agree with lip fillers...

Hi all,

I'm writing to get some feedback on a conversation I had this morning (and have had in the past) with my significant other regarding lip fillers.

For a few years, I've been wanting to get a very natural fill in the upper lip only to even things out. However, my S.O. thinks it's incredibly vain and it is not something he agrees with at all. Being a free bird in life/believer that it's a person's choice to do what they want to their own body, I'm semi-alarmed by what followed when we spoke this morning. He told me that if I choose to get my lip(s) filled, he is going to have a big problem with it,

and it "will be a big problem for us." He asked why I feel the need to do it... "because you're ashamed of looking like everyone else your

age?" I told him that if he told me he wanted some sort of cosmetic

update, I would be supportive if it

meant him feeling more confident.

For the record, I've never had any kind of cosmetic surgery/filler/etc.

Can anyone relate to this kind of reaction from their S.O.?